Pro Bono Econos for Charities
Our mission is to equip charitable organizations and members of the community with the powerful economic insights and financial knowledge they need to thrive.
Regardless of what your mission entails, we can help you understand, measure and communicate the value you create and the impact you have in the community.
You would be well aware of the smaller funding budgets and spending cuts and tighter regulation facing the nonprofit sector in the current economic climate. Combined with the well-documented over-proliferation of charities, many of the best-managed charities, regardless of size, struggle in the fight for funding.
Charities that are to emerge successfully from the new-era funding battle must not only appeal to donors on the basis of the normal emotional and human impacts, but must also demonstrate viability and bottom-line effectiveness. Donors still need to be convinced that their grants will not be misused or wasted, but more crucially, they need to see hard evidence that your charity can achieve more good for the community per funding dollar than the less-well-managed charity next door.
This is why the founders of Pro Bono Econos took action in 2014, bringing together highly-skilled volunteers who could work with the most well-deserving charities to help them answer questions pertaining to measuring, tracking and communicating their socio-economic impact.
This is the first stage in our three-step action plan through which we volunteer to fulfill our mission. The three steps are as follows:
Firstly, we help charities to measure, track and communicate their social impact.
Secondly, we work to increase the financial literacy rates in the broader community.
Thirdly, we translate our hands-on experience into improved third sector research outcomes.
To date we have worked with dozens of charities from all sectors, helping them to obtain new funding, provide insightful material for their annual reports, establish expansion pathways, evaluate the merits of proposed projects, and communicate with private sector donors in the language they understand. By a conservative estimate, at the end of 2016 our volunteers had provided a cumulative equivalent AU$1.1 million of value to clients.
We would love to hear more about how we could help you!
Please continue reading about our expertise areas and important notices for charities on our home page.